Reset U 8K Pain to Power Contest

8K Pain to Power Contest

Vote Now!

How to Vote:
To vote for the best Overall transformation and 12 Week Transformation that you think should win the $8K prize, simply click on the name of the person.
After you cast your vote for the best Overall Transformation, a new screen will allow you to vote for best 12 Week Transformation.
The names/buttons are located directly below the photo carousel.
Voting ends 07/05/24 at 5PM PST!

Overall Transformation

Mike’s Story

Lost 30lbs
8% Body Fat

Durning Covid, like may people, I let my health take a backseat. I have put on quiet a
bit of weight, getting up to 215 lbs and 30+ percent body fat. I was introduced to Glenn and Reset U by and a friend changing my trajectory. With the help of Reset U, my trainer Glenn and the nutrition direction from Ross, I was able to get down to 174 lbs and under 15% body fat.

ResetU Fitness

Jessica’s Story

Lost 29lbs
18.5% Body Fat

It’s hard to put my fitness journey over the last 18 months into words. It’s been deep,
heavy, life-giving. But most of all, life-changing A year and a half ago, I embarked on a journey that changed not just my body, but my whole outlook on life. The patterns and habits I had formed were deep-rooted, but I knew change was necessary- not just for me, but for my family. As a wife, a mom, and a business owner, time was a luxury I couldn’t afford. Juggling responsibilities, I often unconsciously placed my health on the back burner. Summer of 2022 hit me with a viral illness that zapped my energy for months and made me desperate to make a change. That was the wake-up call I needed. It wasn’t just about me anymore. I wanted to be a shining example for my kids. To show up better in all areas of my life. My business thrived as I continued to show up, reflecting the newfound energy and confidence I discovered within myself. Initially, my biggest fitness goals were to get out of pain and for my clothes to fit better. That all happened within the first 30 days. After that, I fell in love with strength training, and over time my goals have evolved to be more specific.
Shoutout to ResetU for their killer workout plans and the gentle nudge to track my food (even though it’s still not my favorite activity).
Sure, there were moments when I wanted to throw my hands up and call it quits. But with the support of my peeps at ResetU and a hefty dose of self-belief, I kept going. That’s the part of this story that I’m most grateful for- that I kept going. When I was tired. Discouraged. Bored. Lonely. A couple months in, other people started to notice the changes I was making and asking me about them. I built new habits. And then those habits compounded and snowballed day after day. Let me tell you, I’m still in shock that I get to wake up in this body. Honestly, when I see my “after” photos it still surprises me sometimes. Who knew there were abs hiding under there all along?!
So here I am, over a year later, feeling lighter, brighter, and more alive than ever. But you know what? This journey was never just about the numbers on the scale or the inches lost. It was about finding my groove, believing in myself, and setting a kickass example for my tribe. To anyone out there who’s feeling stuck or overwhelmed, just remember- it’s never too late to hit the ResetU button (see what I did there?).

ResetU Fitness

Kayla’s Story

Lost 30lbs
10% Body Fat

From 174lbs at about 30% body fat to 145lbs at 20% body fat. The difference is
astonishing to me. I have never slept better, had the energy I do, and the best part is
no more pain. I used to get back pain while golfing or even cleaning the house. Not
only have a lost a ton of fat, but I’ve also gained a ton of muscle which at my height is super tough to do. I never felt like my diet was restrictive. Just eating healthier foods. My favorite part…NO CARDIO

ResetU Fitness

Cliff’s Story

Lost 27lbs
22.7% Body Fat

Hi my name is Cliff and I’m 69 years old this is my story-
I had been suffering from sciatic pain since 2011. I had multiple Cortizone shots hoping to alleviate the pain. After years, my doctor decided the only course of action was to have surgery. The bone had completely grown around my nerve which was causing me sciatic pain.
In 2018 I had back surgery in hopes of relieving my pain.

For several years I was mostly pain free. In 2022 my sciatic pain started coming back and by 2023 I was having a hard time walking slow and standing in one spot without a great deal of discomfort. Shooting pain down my left leg and into my foot causing it to go numb. There was no medication to take away this pain. The only thing I could do was sit down and hope the pain would ease up, which usually helped for a while.It was getting to the point where it was even difficult for me to ride my bike or do my regular workout. Also in 2019, I hurt my right shoulder and had been dealing with the pain… seen a physical therapist, and that helped a bit, but no much relief. I have been an avid cyclist for over 35 years; commuting back-and-forth to work and doing several long cycling events.
In 2022 when my sciatic really started bothering really bad. I couldn’t even go grocery shopping with my wife or any other errands cause my left leg would start hurting and my foot would go numb. With that being said, it made me feel really sad and extremely old and useless. Christmas 2023 my son Dan gave me the best gift he could ever give me and it was ReSetU. He was really concerned by the lack of my concert ability and the 20 pound weight gain I had put on from not being able to do a lot of daily activities. Since I had been so active and fit prior to these two injuries. He did not like seeing his Dad like that. I have been doing it for the last six months and with the help of my amazing, knowledgeable and caring trainer Glenn Dawson I have found incredible relief. My shoulder seldom bothers me and nothing like it was before I started this program. My sciatic has really improved and I’m able to do so many things I haven’t been able to do for years. I’ve become 3 times more active in the last 6 months. I also lost that 20 pounds and another 10 pounds. I have bulked up too…a lot more upper body strength and muscles. When I started this program, I weighed 196 and I’m now at 166 pounds, I’m 5 foot 11 and feeling amazing. I’m amazed at how far I’ve come in the last few months.

ResetU Fitness

Mindy’s Story

Lost 20lbs
10% Body Fat

My wake up moment was in November of 2022. I attended a formal event where I was being installed as a Board of Director and the President Elect of our Realtor Association. The next day I was looking at the pictures that were posted and I was completely disgusted at the way I looked. I have always carried my weight in my mid section and these pictures accentuated it to the highest degree. I knew then and there I needed to do something. I just didn’t know what. A friend and colleague of mine kept telling me to reach out to her trainer. She had been working with him for sometime and seeing great results. It took me about 6 months to get the courage to reach out to him. After my first zoom call with Glen, I knew I was on the right place. My first goal was to look amazing at the next November formal where I was being installed at President. I wanted to fit into a kick ass dress and look amazing at my event…and I did!!! I was down 20 lbs, felt beautiful, gave an entertaining speech and even got a compliment from my 21 year old son that I looked really good in my dress. Now I am down another 10 lbs and setting new goals for myself that I didn’t even think were possible. I am so thankful for Glen and the ResetU team! I also love our Tuesday night coaching group. We have some amazing women in our group that give me the courage to keep pushing forward.

ResetU Fitness

Sam’s Story

Lost 49.4lbs
25.7% Body Fat

I started out in this program at my wits end. I had tried so many dieting and exercise strategies before but nothing was working and things just seemed to be getting worse. By the time this 12-week challenge started, I had already lost so much and gained so much more. I’ve eliminated chronic pain, drastically improved my health, discontinued medications, and emerged out of the shell I used to be. More than the weight loss, I get continual comments from friends and family on the confidence and sense of self I gained. Now, a few months later, I’ve exploded past any goals I had imagined I was capable of doing and learned the skills to keep going, keep getting stronger, keep making the right choices for my body and spirit.

July 24, 2023: 176.6 lbs 39.8%
March 4, 2024: 133.2 lbs 27.4%
June 4, 2024: 127.2 lbs 25.7%

ResetU Fitness

Charlotte’s Story

Lost 30lbs
13% Body Fat

Before I started Reset U, I had low energy and always had a body pain. I had stopped working out due to tendinitis in my shoulder in April 2023 and I had no motivation. Then I got engaged in August 2023. I realized my lifestyle had to change if I I wanted to start a family and feel amazing for my wedding year. A friend recommend Reset U. When I decided to start the program in October 2023 I was doing PT for my shoulder, 32% body fat and not working out. After 8 months in the program, I’m 19.2% body fat, have no constant pains and have so much energy. My shoulder pain has completely resolved. I learned to eat what makes my body feel good. Now I can tell when my body is not loving a food and can make healthy good decisions to not have upset stomachs. I went from 160.2 lbs to 130.2 lbs (30 lbs!) and now maintaining weight to feel amazing on my wedding day. This new lifestyle has given me a new outlook and challenged me to put myself first. I’m no longer wearing oversized clothes but wearing clothes that are fitting (even crop tops!). I never thought I could lose this much weight in a healthy way and feel more 100% better in such a short time. Brianna and Glenn proved me wrong!

ResetU Fitness

Dan’s Story

Lost 68 lbs total (10 lbs in last 12 weeks)
Lost 15.5% Body Fat (3% in last 12 weeks)

Wow! It took 18 mos and I’m at 192 lbs! I travel a ton for my job and have had plenty of ups and downs throughout my journey. But I have always been able to maintain my new and improved lifestyle and have the scale trend down. My pain has been completely eliminated and able to maintain and manage that through travel as well.
I’ve lost over -68lbs and -11% in 18 months & my life has completely changed for the best. 2023 was the year of fitness for me and it will only get better throughout the rest of 2024! Thank you Ross Poindexter, Glenn Dawson, Ashlee Pittard, Dr. Bri, and the ResetU team! Thank you Michael Angello and Frina Chiodi for connecting me w the program!

ResetU Fitness

Overall Transformation

To cast your vote for the Overall Transformation, click on the name of the person and then press the Vote button.

12 Week Transformation

Cliff’s Story

Lost 27lbs
22.7% Body Fat

Hi my name is Cliff and I’m 69 years old this is my story-
I had been suffering from sciatic pain since 2011. I had multiple Cortizone shots hoping to alleviate the pain. After years, my doctor decided the only course of action was to have surgery. The bone had completely grown around my nerve which was causing me sciatic pain.
In 2018 I had back surgery in hopes of relieving my pain.
For several years I was mostly pain free. In 2022 my sciatic pain started coming back and by 2023 I was having a hard time walking slow and standing in one spot without a great deal of discomfort. Shooting pain down my left leg and into my foot causing it to go numb. There was no medication to take away this pain. The only thing I could do was sit down and hope the pain would ease up, which usually helped for a while.It was getting to the point where it was even difficult for me to ride my bike or do my regular workout. Also in 2019, I hurt my right shoulder and had been dealing with the pain… seen a physical therapist, and that helped a bit, but no much relief. I have been an avid cyclist for over 35 years; commuting back-and-forth to work and doing several long cycling events.
In 2022 when my sciatic really started bothering really bad. I couldn’t even go grocery shopping with my wife or any other errands cause my left leg would start hurting and my foot would go numb. With that being said, it made me feel really sad and extremely old and useless. Christmas 2023 my son Dan gave me the best gift he could ever give me and it was ReSetU. He was really concerned by the lack of my concert ability and the 20 pound weight gain I had put on from not being able to do a lot of daily activities. Since I had been so active and fit prior to these two injuries. He did not like seeing his Dad like that. I have been doing it for the last six months and with the help of my amazing, knowledgeable and caring trainer Glenn Dawson I have found incredible relief. My shoulder seldom bothers me and nothing like it was before I started this program. My sciatic has really improved and I’m able to do so many things I haven’t been able to do for years. I’ve become 3 times more active in the last 6 months. I also lost that 20 pounds and another 10 pounds. I have bulked up too…a lot more upper body strength and muscles. When I started this program, I weighed 196 and I’m now at 166 pounds, I’m 5 foot 11 and feeling amazing. I’m amazed at how far I’ve come in the last few months.

ResetU Fitness

Frina’s Story

I lost 10lbs and 3% BF and I feel great! Thank you for this wonderful program and community for the guidance, clear direction and ongoing support! You’re
all amazing

Starting weight: 148.4 lbs – 29.2% BF
Ending weight: 138.2 lbs – 26.6% BF

ResetU Fitness

Jean’s Story

Lost 8.2lbs
2.6% Body Fat

At 57, who says you can’t look and feel your best? Being post menopausal has so
many challenges, but the most prevalent has to be weight gain. I see bodies of some
physically fit women dramatically change after menopause. They have kept up with
their fitness routine because it worked, until it didn’t. I’ve also suffered from chronic
upper back pain that would take me out of commission for a couple of days 2-4 times per year.
I didn’t want Mother Nature to continue her destruction to my body. The couple of extra pounds of weight gain every year, along with increasing episodes of back pain caused me to reevaluate my situation. I could have continued down the path of least resistance. I have this personal battle constantly-” go, eat, drink, and be merry” attitude because life is too short, OR take care of yourself, you only get to do this once and you don’t want to do it in pain or be unable to participate due to health reasons. I want to be able to continue to enjoy life, travel, and be active. You look at my pictures, see my weight and think to yourself, she looks fine, not overweight or unhealthy. But you cannot see the war waging in my head. My personal battle with the post menopausal changes happening. There’s weight gain and bloating, back pain, brain fog, guilt, and anger just to name a few. I want to be happy with myself again. So I needed to make changes to see changes and feel better, body and mind.
RESETU has guided me to a path of change.

ResetU Fitness

Jessica’s Story

Lost 29lbs
18.5% Body Fat

It’s hard to put my fitness journey over the last 18 months into words. It’s been deep, heavy, life-giving. But most of all, life-changing A year and a half ago, I embarked on a journey that changed not just my body, but my whole outlook on life. The patterns and habits I had formed were deep-rooted, but I knew change was necessary- not just for me, but for my family. As a wife, a mom, and a business owner, time was a luxury I couldn’t afford. Juggling responsibilities, I often unconsciously placed my health on the back burner. Summer of 2022 hit me with a viral illness that zapped my energy for months and made me desperate to make a change. That was the wake-up call I needed. It wasn’t just about me anymore. I wanted to be a shining example for my kids. To show up better in all areas of my life. My business thrived as I continued to show up, reflecting the newfound energy and confidence I discovered within myself.
Initially, my biggest fitness goals were to get out of pain and for my clothes to fit better. That all happened within the first 30 days. After that, I fell in love with strength training, and over time my goals have evolved to be more specific. Shoutout to ResetU for their killer workout plans and the gentle nudge to track my food (even though it’s still not my favorite activity).
Sure, there were moments when I wanted to throw my hands up and call it quits. But with the support of my peeps at ResetU and a hefty dose of self-belief, I kept going. That’s the part of this story that I’m most grateful for- that I kept going. When I was tired. Discouraged. Bored. Lonely. A couple months in, other people started to notice the changes I was making and asking me about them. I built new habits. And then those habits compounded and snowballed day after day. Let me tell you, I’m still in shock that I get to wake up in this body. Honestly, when I see my “after” photos it still surprises me sometimes. Who knew there were abs hiding under there all along?!
So here I am, over a year later, feeling lighter, brighter, and more alive than ever. But you know what? This journey was never just about the numbers on the scale or the inches lost. It was about finding my groove, believing in myself, and setting a kickass example for my tribe. To anyone out there who’s feeling stuck or overwhelmed, just remember- it’s never too late to hit the ResetU button (see what I did there?). Your journey may look different from mine, but trust me, the victories are just as sweet. So here’s to beginning your own story, embracing the journey, loving yourself through the ups and downs, and discovering just how amazing you truly are.
Trust me, your future self is already thanking you for taking that step and never giving up.

ResetU Fitness

John’s Story

Lost 30lbs
4% Body Fat

Three months into my Reset U program started at 266 down to 237. Almost 10 pounds a month. But that’s just a start, also achieved going from morning aches and pains getting out of bed to being pain-free. I had a significant issue with my left shoulder and range of motion. Through stretching and some low impact workouts I now have better range in motion in my left shoulder than I do my right shoulder. Also I am sitting crosslegged on the floor for the first time in a decade. Really excited about eating clean and have adopted it as a way of life. As an added bonus, 10 years worth of acid reflux went away after four weeks of eating clean. Big thanks to the Reset U team for all their support, but as they say, we’ve only just begun. Planning to hit 200 pounds by my 50th birthday in October !!!

ResetU Fitness

Misty’s Story

Lost 26.6lbs
9.1% Body Fat

Do you see that smile?!? My husband took the after photo! He has been the biggest supporter outside of ResetU family. For most of my life, I have felt like I have struggled with my weight. I have always been very active with sports, running marathons, cycling, golfing, etc. Yet food choices and “dieting” all my life. The past 5+ years I have been in chronic pain all over my body from previous injuries and surgeries. I also yo-yo with my weight since my 20s. Turning 50 hit me that want to be able to be active, not just active but very active with my husband as we become empty nesters. I stumbled upon ResetU and decided I owed it to myself to go all in! I have lost 26.6 lbs and 9.1% body fat. I FEEL thinner! My body doesn’t hurt as much as before! I’m not finished and have a lot more I want to accomplish. I am excited for this lifestyle change! I have known most of this with all the dieting however, I always made it more complicated and when I lost weight I let bad habits creep back in. I refuse to let that happen again!! People ask me, what am I doing (what diet) my answer is just eating better! Taking care of my body that God gave me. I owe it to Him and my family.

ResetU Fitness

Shannon’s Story

Lost 25lbs
9% Body Fat

When I reflect over my time thus far with resetU, I am amazed at the progress. I have done everything from appetite suppressant to a personal trainer to multiple gyms with accountability and nothing has worked like resetU. At resetu, I no longer have any hip pain back pain, or shoulder pain and I went from 152 pounds to 127 in a short two month period as well as 31% body fat to 22.7. BUT not only that. I also have more energy and better skin and FEEL amazing!

ResetU Fitness

Chere’s Story

Lost 20lbs
7% Body Fat

I started ResetU with Chronic Shoulder Pain, Lower Back Pain, and I hated how my body looked in the mirror. I was doing Crossfit 5-6 times a week and the scale wasn’t moving, and I could feel my body breaking down. I constantly had to adjust exercises and skip different things to even finish a workout. When I met Glenn at Reset-U we did a Broomstick Squat Test and within seconds he told me everything I would need to do to solve every problem I was experiencing. I was skeptical at first but followed the program. The first weeks were tough fitting in all the foam rolling and stretching and cooking. Add in my two girls playing sports, my own business, and I was overwhelmed. But I lost 3% body fat and 10 pounds with workouts that didn’t hurt me. In fact I thought they were much less challenging than Crossfit. Today I’ve lost over 20 pounds and 7% body fat. I’m blown away at how I can have a body that people say is there goal… as a mother in her mid forties. I’m proud to say I have zero pain, I kick ass now in Crossfit, I’m stronger than ever, and I get compliments daily on how toned I am now. I love it.
I’m so grateful to Glenn and Reset-U. This is a lifestyle even I can follow.

ResetU Fitness

Jason’s Story

Lost 36lbs
8% Body Fat

Being an Entrepreneur and Father I noticed I put my health second to everything else. I had no idea how out of shape I was when I first started. I was Obese and didn’t even know it. I had all of this pain in my neck, lower back, knees, and hips. I just thought that was life now.
Glenn told me I could get a sick pack and get rid of all the pain without doing cardio. I thought he was crazy at first. Then the fat just started melting off. I lost 36 pounds and 8% body fat. I have abs now! My neck never hurts. My back feels great. And I’m stronger than I ever thought possible at this age. I’m going to be the best shape of my life at 40 and I’m so pumped. I even got rid of crazy allergies and heartburn issues. I’m so grateful to the Reset-U team for helping me make this difficult change seem so manageable. I get to be the Fit Dad and
Husband I always knew I could be.

ResetU Fitness

12 Week Transformation

To cast your vote for the 12 Week Transformation, click on the name of the person and then press the Vote button.

One of these finalists will win $8K prize based on your votes!

Challenge Features


Go through our Reset Protocol. Where we reset the two major fat loss hormonal issues: insulin & inflammation. Tons of meal combinations to give you sustainable variety.


Resistance training plans specific to your muscular imbalances updated on a weekly basis as your body heals.


Stretching and foam rolling plans specific to the trauma your body’s gone through and continues to go through on a daily basis.


At Reset-U most clients come to us having failed numerous times before. This gives them a fear of failure. This fear of failure can cause them to reject new things and change for fear of another failure.


You’ll get weekly Group Zoom Check ins with a ResetU Coach. Along with being added into our Private FB Group to have an uplifting community and daily access to our coaches.

Guaranteed Results

Our team at Reset U team found that there was a major problem in our country. People were working out & dieting but still not getting results. So we started ResetU to guarantee that everyone gets results or we’ll refund your money.

How Does The Challenge Work?

The 12 Week Reset Challenge is a competition within our Group Coaching program.

Our Group Coaching is online based membership program you can do from home.

Your workouts can be done at home or at the gym. It is up to you.

The program includes weekly customized stretching, training, meal plans, accountability and mentorship all provided by our team of experienced trainers.

It is clear cut proven strategy with a guarantee for success!

If you would like to learn more about our Group Coaching program click the button below.

Prior Success Stories

Here are some past ResetU member transformations!

If you would like to learn more about our Group Coaching program click the button below.