
Why is my Body Breaking Down like this?

cook off

Albert Einstein said “The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. “

But what if everything you’ve tried didn’t get-rid of the pain for good…

Or stop the weight from going back up.

Most of the clients we took in at Reset-U ( like the one you see here) were thinking the same thing…

Their body’s were breaking down and they had no answers… 

So they Wrongfully blamed: 

  • Age
  • Inactivity
  • Having kids
  • Genetics
  • Or recently the Pandemic

I have Scientific Proof that those are not the real cause at all…

and real testimonials below from some of the most hopeless cases that were completely RESET with our Reset U PROTOCOL.

Join the Challenge and you’ll get the complete RESET Package:
  • Your Whole Program is Customized to You, Your movements, Your body, and Your goals, all conveniently online. 
  • Discover the root cause of Pain and see your program instantly built to your specific needs
  •  Jump start automated fat loss with Hormonal RESET Nutrition Program to repair the damaged metabolism hormones 
  • Feel stronger, more pliable, and more balanced RESET muscle imbalance with corrective strength training
  •  Repair and heal faster with RESET Recovery Tissue work and feel your release tension and rejuvenate 
  • Feel Confident with all of the material, over 400 videos, FB group, Q&A, and Expert Accountability!
Regular Price


Discounted Price

Only $47!

Real Problems require Real Science for Real Results

Cases like Traccee (look for her video below), a woman over 40 that works a sedentary job as a writer…

She had always been able to keep her weight in check by running and “eating clean”…

Until it her knees started swelling up to where she could barely walk after…

To make matters worse the scale kept going up no matter how much she limited her portions of food…

And her lower belly “pooch” kept growing…

Frustrated with how she looked and her body aches she started thinking…

“I’m stuck with this body. This is just my body now.”

Before she signed up for Reset-U we personally talked about what she was going through…

She had been diagnosed with an AutoImmune Disorder that was wreaking havoc on her metabolism and energy levels…

Her hips, lower back, and knees were always inflamed and in-pain…

And now she couldn’t run.

Or eat any less.

She was about to give up…

On the phone I could tell she had lost hope as her voice quivered.

Her tears were coming through the phone as she said…

“I’m heavier than I’ve ever been and nothing I try works!”

My heart burst open.

  • She felt broken… Traccee felt like the more effort she put in… the more she hurt and the more she gained.
  • She was Self-Conscious. Instead of going hiking, enjoying the outdoors, or meeting friends… she stayed secluded in the house.
  • Worst of all she Lost Hope. She had given up on her body ever feeling better and looking the way she would be proud of.

She had started convincing herself that at her age… This is it.
If you can relate to Tracee and feel “stuck” in this body…

I want to show you the specific protocol she used to have her saying…

“I blew past my original goal and I’m at my High School weight now… and feel stronger than I ever have.”

(see her video interview below)

Our first step was to abandon the “Old Way” of pain-relief and losing weight.

As we know from experience…

Most of what we have been taught is outdated and doesn’t work long-term…

Things like trying to get rid of pain with:

  • Youtube Stretching Videos
  • Injections
  • Chiro’s
  • And even surgery…

all result in the pain coming back.
(see overwhelming statistics below)

And why trying to lose weight with the Traditional

  • Move More
  • Eat Less
  • And Cut Carbs or Meat or Fun..

All result in the weight coming back. (it’s actually proven below)

None of those options isolated the root cause of the problems…

And RESET it.


Americans Statistically Workout and Diet More Than Any Other Country…
But Have the Highest Rate of Obesity.

71% of Amercians are Overweight or Obese… (meaning only 29% are healthy) (CDC 2018)

You most likely think it’s because we eat too much and don’t workout enough… but….

“Americans Exercise more times per year (avg. 135) than any other country”.
(Huffpost 2014)


The “Move More Eat Less” Approach is proven to fail Long-Term over 95.1% of the time. (Jonathan Bailor- The Calorie Myth)

If everyone is working-out and cutting their calories… What’s the reason we are all gaining weight?

Let’s quickly talk about Pain

which over 84% of the US population has experienced…

We see doctors, chiros, massage therapists, and maybe even get surgery…

But according to PT Enhance “64-77% of Lower Back Pain Comes Back after treatment…”

Why does the pain always come back?

And Why do so many accept that as normal?

Don’t wrongfully blame “Getting Older” for the pain and weight gain…

The hidden Culprit is years of compounding damage to our body and our hormones.

This problem is frustrating.

No one wants to limit each movement and “hope” that another flare-up doesn’t happen.

Nobody wants to avoid looking in the mirror for fear of what might be staring back at you…

Or spend an extra 30 minutes each morning trying to find an outfit that will simply be acceptable to leave the house in…

You deserve a better body… and a better life than that.

And I’ll personally help you through this.

In fact, if you have tried everything to get rid-of-pain, and lose weight and keep it off…

You’ll finally understand what has been disrupting your progress.

Below you’re about to find out how to RESET…

2 Insidious Hormones that have been “clogging” your metabolism and leaving more of the food you eat around your waist…

Why the Energy from the foods you eat isn’t going to you… but being stored in your fat cells….and how to RESET IT

The mysterious cause of Chronic Pain that doctors miss and Fit Pros aren’t educated enough to correct…

and the specific protocol to RESET your body to toned, strong, confident, and indestructible.

The Body Specific healing program that RESETS your metabolism, your body, and your mind…

That is so scientifically proven… it is guaranteed to transform your life.

Did I mention guaranteed to work… See the testimonials below.

Because what I’m about to share with you has helped thousands RESET pain in 3 weeks…

And lose on average 14.1 pounds in during their RESET

I say average because we have so many different cases and goals…

The only constant is this program is crafted to you, your goal, and your body… and it works!

(it’s not the regular cookie cutter PDF crap)

We have some clients that just want to get Rid-Of-Pain and lose their lower belly fat… others end up eliminating over 25lbs in the first month.

It all comes down to YOUR needs.

In fact… I’m so confident that The RESET U Protocol can help you…

I’ve posted every type of problem and goal from our own clients success stories below (WARNING: There are a lot! lol)

But before I do that, let me first introduce myself…

Hi, I’m Glenn Dawson.
Creator of Reset-U Fitness.

And admittedly… for a long time I stopped trusting doctors, chiros, and trainers.

Before you judge… let me explain.

I was a very coachable athlete. In fact… I did everything the trainers and coaches asked me to do.

That was the problem.

The plan they were giving me…ended up ending my athletic career and changing my life.

I got injured… and spent 6 months without being able to do anything besides watch my teammates train…

No lifting. No interaction with my team. No nothing.

This drove me into depression. I lost my confidence, my body, and reason for going to school.

On top of the injury… I decided to hit the “Screw It” button and start eating trash.

“If I can’t workout… what’s the point of eating clean? “ I thought.

I was left feeling chubby, injured, and without hope.

After I pulled myself together and began researching how to be a trainer. I wanted to figure out what happened to me in the first place…

I would find out quickly that my training program was the actual cause of my injury!

I vowed to never let a client fail because of my programming.

That attitude started attracting the most difficult clients…

and admittedly had to do even more research to get all of them help…

This helped me grow and get better at an exponential rate.

It also gave me empathy for all those clients I took on that failed so many times prior to finding success with me…

My views of Trainers, Doctors, Nutritionists, and “the fit best friend” giving out dated “one size fits all” advice…

Started becoming spiteful and distrusting.

It pained me to see them give their clients “cookie cutter” advice that would lead to frustrating plateaus…

and eventually the client blaming themselves for failing…

Even though they paid for the wrong plan all along…

Something had to change. I had seen far too many people give up on their fitness goals because of bad advice…

I came to realized the chiros, doctors, and nutritionists were never the problem…

They all wanted to help too and meant well. But just like me at 17…

They were all trained incorrectly.

So I created RESET-U with the mission of getting everyone a customized science based plan guaranteed to work. (see money-back guarantee).

You ARE NOT paying for a cookie cutter pdf, or someone counting your reps while you workout…

You are paying for your end goal achieved.

So how can Reset-U give you a guaranteed program no matter what your goals and starting point?

Join the Challenge and you’ll get the complete RESET Package:
  • Your Whole Program is Customized to You, Your movements, Your body, and Your goals, all conveniently online. 
  • Discover the root cause of Pain and see your program instantly built to your specific needs
  •  Jump start automated fat loss with Hormonal RESET Nutrition Program to repair the damaged metabolism hormones 
  • Feel stronger, more pliable, and more balanced RESET muscle imbalance with corrective strength training
  •  Repair and heal faster with RESET Recovery Tissue work and feel your release tension and rejuvenate 
  • Feel Confident with all of the material, over 400 videos, FB group, Q&A, and Expert Accountability!
Regular Price


Discounted Price

Only $47!

It all begins with the Real Cause

You truly are Breaking Down.

But once again… it’s not your age.

It’s compound years of damage to your body inside and out.

Internally our hormones that control our metabolism get busted from years of damage from eating processed foods, sugary foods, alcohol, and factory farmed meats.

Year after year it gets more difficult to lose weight because your body’s metabolism is literally breaking down.

Externally our body is creating Muscular Imbalances that cause pain.

Over years of time we develop dominant muscles that pull too hard on our joints and create friction… this gives us a pain response.

And if you’ve ever sat at a desk for hours, worn heels, boots, or cushioned shoes…
Your body is breaking down every year.

As Human Hunter Gatherers we are designed to eat clean foods from our environment, walk, run, and squat deeply…
We don’t do those things now and our bodies suffer…

As Human Hunter Gatherers we are designed to eat clean foods from our environment, walk, run, and squat deeply…

We don’t do those things now and our bodies suffer…

Imagine making a wild Cheetah Cub sit in a chair for hours of school for years as it develops…

Next, feed it chicken nuggets, potato chips, and soda while trapped in a cage…

Then when you do let it walk… put Clunky Rubber Boots on its paws so they can’t feel the ground…

Then in it’s later adult years ask it to Sprint Full Speed and Hunt?

Does it make sense now why our age isn’t the cause?

It’s the years of compound damage.

The good news is RESET-U has a formula to RESET the years of damage.

This is going to get really Science-y so pay attention…

I’m going to describe the complex RESET-U Protocol and how it works for everyone.

Weight Gain starts with these two insidious hormones which control where the energy from the food we eat goes…
and how much of it is burned off.

Let’s begin with Insulin… think of it like an Energy Traffic Cop…

When you eat food the Traffic Cop must decide whether to give you the Energy now…

Or save it for later…

See as Hunter Gatherers we used to go days without food… So if your tribe took down a huge Woolly Mammoth…

You would want to store as much of that as possible before it goes bad (no refrigerators)…

because you may not see another animal or food source for days.

That excess energy storage is kind of like a back up energy generator… and its name is our FAT CELLS.

Here’s why we are overweight and untouched Hunter Gatherer Tribes in Africa aren’t…

Over years of damage to our Traffic Cop insulin from eating processed foods, high carbs, alcohol, and sugar…

The traffic cop gets busted and assumes your body has too much energy…

And start pushing the traffic straight to fat cells…

This is called Insulin Resistance… which means most of the food energy you eat goes to fat cells for energy for later…

Leaving you with low-energy and feeling tired after a meal.

No amount of Cardio or Calorie cutting will solve this “Energy Storage” problem…

It makes sense just to RESET IT right?

And that’s exactly what we do in the first 30 days…

But we also Reset the Hormone that burns energy.

Are you feeling bloated and Inflamed?

Inflammation comes in many shapes and sizes.

From swollen joints to bloated belly.

Inflammation is your body’s self defense system..

And when your body is attacked it uses your immune system to fight off the foriegn pathogen (or bad guys trying to enter your body).

Inflammation in your gut will literally adjust your hormones and make you depressed, anxious, lower sex drive, create more stress, and worst of all…

It slows down how much Energy You Burn (Your Metabolism)!

So even if you solved the Insulin problem and energy is going where it belongs…

An Inflamed body will not burn the energy off anyway.

Inflammation comes from many things like:

Lack of sleep
Chronic pain
And even eating too little or doing too much cardio…

But today we are going to talk about food quality.

Eating foods not meant for the Human Body like processed meats, packaged goods, breads, sodas…

or if you were raised on Hot Dogs and Mac n Cheese like me…

There’s a good chance you have compounded years of Inflammation.

  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Brian Fog
  • Leaking
  • Fluctuations
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Lower Belly Fat
  • And worst of all a depleted Metabolism

And if you have 2 or more of these symptoms there is a great chance it’s coming from Inflammation…

The Good News… is the RESET Protocol Heals the body from the inside out…

And within 30 days you will have a flat tummy again, more energy, raised sex drive, heals injuries faster, and best of all your Metabolism will be back in action!

Even better you will notice better Focus, Memory, and be overloaded with Happiness Hormones in just 10 days.

Resetting those Hormones would be enough to help people feel better…

But over 80% of Americans deal or have dealt with Chronic Pain in the Back, Neck, Shoulders, or Knees…

When our clients first came to RESET-U they had given up on the Pain ever being better, and just accepted the fact that…

“this is life now”

Well we RESET that in our Protocol too.

And I’m going to show you how we can completely RESET your body.

And finish the job the doctors, pain pills, injections, and Youtube stretching videos, and other solutions could only start…

Get rid of the pain for good and make you feel confident in your body’s abilities again.

Like a little kid again never worried about a flare-up or second guessing your abilities…

That kind of confidence.

Before you judge… let me explain.

All the pain starts with Muscular Imbalances…

Which is a scienc-y way of saying dominant muscles that pull really hard in one direction and cause friction and pain.

Think about it like a one-sided tug-of-war game on your joints, tendons, spine, and ligaments.

When we move the dominant muscles take over and become stronger and pull tighter.

This pulls the joints out of alignment and causes friction and stiffness…

Then our body gives us a Pain Response.

Pain is like your body’s Check Engine Light.

It tells you something is wrong and to “stop doing what you’re doing. “

Now most good Therapists and Chiros can get rid of the friction and pain response by putting your joint back into alignment…

Hell… most Youtube Videos can do that and relieve pain temporarily…

But it always seems to come back?

Because those dominant muscles pull the joint right back out of alignment.

So a week later you have the pain again.

The RESET-U team uses an expert online assessment to analyze your Muscular Imbalances…

Then we give you specific Foam Rolling and Stretching to release the dominant muscles…

Allowing you to get rid of the pain and friction in your own living room…

But the key is what we do next…

We add in Strength Training specific to your weaker muscles to even out the tug-of-war match…

And get all of the muscles to work together.

Added Benefit: You are now able to access more muscle with every exercise… meaning…

You are able to accelerate getting stronger, burning more calories, and toning even faster with the same amount of time.

In- fact the ResetU workouts are designed to be 30 minutes or less.

Just 4xs a week.

That’s all you need when the program is specific to your body.

“So how can RESET-U Help me on an individual level? “

Honestly you only need these 4 things to RESET your body.

  • A Hormonal Healing Nutrition plan that RESET’s insulin and inflammation and is specific to each individual
  • A Recovery and Mobility program specific to each individual’s Muscular Imbalances
  • A Strength Training Program that specifically strengthens the muscles you need!
  • The Healing Mindset and Habits that will solidify your results. If you have ever failed at a program before I’m sure you’re filled with doubt… we RESET that doubt to and eliminate self sabotage.

It’s taken over 7 years to develop a System that works like having your own personal Nutritionist, Pain Relief Specialist, and Personal Functional Trainer….

Especially with the complexity of clients we deal with (see below)

But we are so proud of what we have created we guarantee it will work for you.

Let’s break it down for you…

1. Hormonal Healing Nutrition Program:

If you have ever eaten a meal and felt “LESS ENERGY” afterward…

You know something is WRONG with where your food energy is going…

Like we talked about earlier Insulin and Inflammation are the highest causes for weight gain as we get older…

Well in the first 30 days of your RESET we heal those hormonal issues…

SO you easily drop weight and immediately feel more energetic.

But we don’t stop there…

With those hormones RESET we have a baseline of you as a Super Human… burning calories and feeling great…

Then each week we customize your Meal Plan to you on an individual level.

You end with a RESET metabolism and a custom diet plan including foods YOUR body yearns for and loves burning!

2. Recovery and Mobility:

Ever had a Muscular Imbalance Assessment?

Most Trainers and Programs aren’t educated enough to do one… so you end up getting a cookie cutter program they “hope” works…

This is like training someone with a blind fold on…
At Reset-U we have you do our Online Muscular Imbalance Assessment… Weekly

This tells us where you NEED to Foam Roll and Stretch to relieve pain…

Most people haven’t been taught what a FOAM ROLLER is…

Let alone how this simple tool can unlock years of tension…

We teach you how to use it like a Lightsaber that slices through chronic pain.

But remember that will only get rid of the pain response…

3. Strength Training – Most people start off either doing the wrong training for their body… or afraid of doing it at all.

And rightfully so!

Most people have never had an Assessment to give them specific workouts for their individual body.

At Reset-U we test on a weekly basis and your workouts are specific to YOU.

This way you are only growing the muscles YOUR BODY needs to…

And the program has you feeling stronger afterward instead of feeling like you just got hit by a bus…

The workouts should feel good… they are tailored to YOU!

And to help you along each exercise, workout, and stretch have an instructional video to show you proper form.

You’ll have all the confidence you need to workout in the gym…

Even though this program is Science Backed and Guaranteed to work there is still one more thing you need…

4. Healing Mindset and Habits

Ever heard the saying… “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink.” ???

Even after we give you a specific program guaranteed to work… we can’t force you to do it.

We understand that you most likely have Failed Before at a different program.

And most likely feel betrayed because of it.

We want you to know… you didn’t FAIL.

Your Previous Program FAILED you.

This new RESET-U Protocol is proven to work…

To set up your mind for successful thinking and eliminate self sabotage…

We added in weekly Mindset training.

Meditation, Visualization, and programming yourself for good habits that make you feel good!

THE 30 DAY RESET-U Challenge

This is the answer you have been searching for…

The program that RESET’s 30 plus years of damage in 30 days…

And has our clients feeling pain-free in 3 weeks and losing an average of 13 pounds in 30 days. (without cardio or starving themselves)

You can finally get rid of pain, lose inches on autopilot, feel stronger, regain flexibility, and do it all while reshaping your mindset to enjoy every day of it!

You will be so grateful for the FREEDOM your new toned indestructible body gives you…

Things like going to the beach, hiking, beating your kids at sports, or even just leaving the house will be enjoyable again!

Join the Challenge and you’ll get the complete RESET Package:
  • Your Whole Program is Customized to You, Your movements, Your body, and Your goals, all conveniently online. 
  • Discover the root cause of Pain and see your program instantly built to your specific needs
  •  Jump start automated fat loss with Hormonal RESET Nutrition Program to repair the damaged metabolism hormones 
  • Feel stronger, more pliable, and more balanced RESET muscle imbalance with corrective strength training
  •  Repair and heal faster with RESET Recovery Tissue work and feel your release tension and rejuvenate 
  • Feel Confident with all of the material, over 400 videos, FB group, Q&A, and Expert Accountability!
Regular Price


Discounted Price

Only $47!

Nanette before and after

Our client Nanette said:

“When you’re in pain… You’re not living…
You’re just surviving…”

That is not a life anyone deserves…

Today we RESET-U to the life you truly deserve!

I want you to be able to try on anything you want in the store and have it all fit…

I want you to be able to sit in a car for hours on a trip and never worry about your back pain…

and be able to run, jump, twist, and play without fear of injury!

I want you to have complete confidence in how your body moves and looks!

You are worth it.

The RESETU 30 day Reset Challenge is a science based challenge that heals your metabolism, your body, and your mind.

We’ve RESET Thousands of clients …

Marty is one of them.

I was a Fitness Competitor that couldn’t stop the weight gain…

I was lifting 7 times a week and adding in 2 hours of stairmaster per day…

Nothing helped.

I felt broken… and I gave up hope on ever having the body that would make me feel proud again.

My knees and lower back started to go out… so I couldn’t do the cardio anymore…

My weight skyrocketed and I felt depressed all the time.

I went to all the doctors and trainers I could find…

I was in tears talking to my husband about to give up when I reached out to Glenn with Reset-U.

Within the first week I had already lost more than I had in the last 5 months…

And my flexibility and joints felt so much better.

My hope came back and I was able to finally RESET my body and start enjoying life again.

Marty actually got addicted to the results she had in her first month and ended up sticking with the program for another 5 months!

She was able to go back to Fitness Competitions and learned how to lose fat… while not doing cardio and eating more food.

It makes sense why she got addicted to seeing her body change…

Once you realize how simple the program really is…

In our Last 30 day RESET-U Challenge we had clients lose anywhere from 24 pounds to 10 pounds.

And all reported either no-pain or less pain.

We aren’t perfect.

We know that our program is amazing and back it with a guarantee…

But just like any program we did have some people fall short the goals they signed up for.

That’s why we surveyed each individual and discovered how to improve our program…

Even reach out to the people “feeling stuck”

So many hours, days, and years went into creating and improving this program….

It still brings me tears of joy that we are able to actually get these people the types of results you’ll see below.

Here are some results so Unbelievable…

We had to interview them or you wouldn’t believe it was possible.

“after 4 months my doctor came in the door yelling “you don’t have diabetes anymore!”

It was the best feeling ever.

Before Reset-U I was dealing with endless Neck Pain that was leading to headaches and destroying my work.

Not to mention I had gained weight and got slapped with Type 2 Diabetes.

After 4 to 5 months later the headaches, neck pain, back pain, weight gain, and even the diabetes were all RESET.

I have my life back again.

“ I tried every single diet you can think of. Paleo, Keto, Atkins, HCG, I even did the lemon pepper cleanse…

Nothing worked long-term and I could tell something was wrong.

On top of that my lower-back would always feel seconds away from “going out.”

It made me feel scared to do normal things like hike, run, or even sit for more than an hour for fear of flare-up.

I joined RESET-U and was given a specific plan for my body to reset.

Brandon and the team even gave me a personal call to dial in my nutrition to make sure I lost weight.

I got more sleep, did less cardio, shorter workouts, and reset my entire body. “

I even won their challenge and got a huge prize on top of transformation.

So grateful for the Reset-U guys.

“ I had no Idea how messed up I was.

As an entrepreneur I knew my body was holding me back…

But I had no idea how much.

My lower back and hips always felt “out of alignment” and caused me pain.

And my posture was terrible. Plus I had gotten chunky and had crappy energy.

Literally in 3 weeks I noticed a difference in energy, I had a noticeably tighter stomach, and I was moving like a teenager again.

This helped my business and personal life more than I ever imagined it could.

“My knee pain and back pain are gone. 

So is my waist line…

And I haven’t had a Lyme flare-up since I started the program.”

“I owe Reset-U my life.

My back pain was so bad…

I was literally afraid of plane and car rides because I may not be able to stand.

Doctors told me I would never be able to Squat again…
I feared for my ability to play with my kids as they got older…

Reset-U did their “fixing thing” and now I squat 315 pounds on that same back without surgery…

And I have the opportunity to play soccer with my kids…

and coach both of their youth teams.

Thank you Reset-U”

“ Nothing was working.

Then Reset-U told me to cut-out cardio and eat more food…

With their plan I started losing with less effort and time.

If what you’re doing isn’t working…

Go find something that is…”

Tanner Video
Shari Video
Taylor Video
Ronika Video
Tom Video
Jean Video
Jeremy Video
Jamie Video
Tracee Video
Marty Video
Tabitha Video
Jake Video

Seeing these results usually brings up the next question…

“How does RESET-U get these types of results, online, with so many different types of people?“

We are the “last resort” for most people.

When everything else they have tried fails to get rid of the pain and keep the weight off…

They come to us and we get them results…

Here’s why…

Most other programs are “one size fit all” and in all reality they don’t fit many.

In fact most of them don’t assess movements, give specific workouts, or even customize meal plans…

You get PDF’s that are written by people that are already fit…

that they use to maintain…

You don’t want to just maintain.

Reset-U is literally constructed to RESET YOU.

Inside and out.

So no… you won’t be pushing through injuries…

or doing hours of spin classes…

Or eating less food…(in fact you’ll most likely be eating more)

We are focused on RESETTING your body and metabolism.

“What does that mean for me? “

  • This means you will never have to worry if the workout is going to “Hurt You” or that you are doing something wrong.
  • This means you don’t need to starve yourself to lose weight… in fact you’ll be eating more food because it’s all so healing.
  • It means you don’t have to waste hours in the gym… your workouts are 20-30mins and specifically target areas you need.
  • It means you WILL NOT be doing cardio this first month… it will actually mess up the RESET process by creating extra unneeded stress.
  • It means you will be able to easily incorporate this into your life… because we are just changing your bad habits, with ones that serve you and your goal.
  • And lastly it means you can do this from anywhere at any time… and you will finally KNOW you are going to reach your goal.

No more hoping.

Here’s what you are going to get after you enrolled!

I know what it’s like to feel “stuck “

Like nothing you do works anymore…

I also know that our program is designed specifically to isolate why you get stuck…


In our 30 Day Challenge you will be giving small strategic changes…

That will create massive change in how your body looks and feels.

Here is how this detailed program works…

#1 Hormonal RESET Nutrition Protocol

You will get access to the proven 30 Day RESET Protocol.

This step-by-step guide will show you how inflammation is caused…

And which foods are causing it and why…

You will also have access to the shopping list of approved healing foods…

And meal plans begin.

So this is an easy process… we also accompany each lesson with video instructions and demonstrations.

Unlike other programs:

This meal plan changes as your body changes and gets customized to you…

The meal plan will dial in weekly to your body’s specific needs.

How much protein? Fat? Carbs? We will layer and dial it in each week ensuring your progress.


#2 Weekly Total Body Assessment: Release Pain, Tension, and Stress

This Online Total Body Assessment will give us the information needed to give you customized workouts and tissue work…

Your foam rolling and stretching will be prescribed after each evaluation…

Each move is shown to you with an instructional video and in order to open you up and relieve pain.

Places we open up in week 1 include:

  • Hips
  • Lower-Back
  • Upper back
  • Shoulders
  • Ankles
  • Knees
  • Wrists
  • And Neck

You will feel the pain fade away and move easier in your first session!

#3 Customized RESET Functional Strength Training

If your last workout program was given without and assessment…

Obviously it didn’t work very well.

We use your weekly assessment to give you healing strengthening workouts that burn calories…

But only leave your muscles sore… not your joints!

Reset-U Workouts:

All Customized: to your movement patterns and muscular imbalances

Keep Your Time: Takes less than 30 minutes, 4 times per week.

Easy to Follow: Includes over 400 instructional videos

Fit Your Schedule: you get to complete workouts without making an appointment to have someone watch you and count for you.

#4 Weekly RESET Mindset Habit Layering

Do you ever complain about brushing your teeth?

Of course not… Because it is a habit that gives you a reward.

Habits don’t waste willpower and it’s actually easier to do them…

Then to avoid them.

Reset-U designed Habit Layering where we solidify one powerful mindset habit at a time.

By the end of 30 days you will have an abundant successful baseline mood and mindset…

Without all the taxing overwhelm of trying to do everything at once.



You don’t have to take on this Challenge alone.

Reset-U created a special group for Challenge members to-

Ask Questions: You can ask questions and have them answered that day so you don’t feel stuck.

Interact with Peers: This group is full of people just like you focused on RESETing their body inside and out. Sharing recipes, funny memes, and chatting make this process so much more simple.

Stay Accountable: Posting your work, progress, and check-ins to see hold you accountable… and if it gets tough…

help you through it.

Get Access to me and the RESET-U Team:

The full team is at your service the full challenge and months after. We are here to get you to your goal!

Our previous members loved the group so much we decided to make it a large part of our program.

Everything is easier when you have a supportive team and friends all on the same mission.

In fact most of the members become friends outside the group and continue sharing recipes to this day.

You will be supported the whole 30 days. And after!

Most programs just give you a cookie cutter PDF and some workout vids…

Then let you struggle through a program not even created for you.

Our bodies are different and we all have different goals…

Reset-U makes sure no matter how different you are…or your goals…You reach them.

We are so dedicated to your RESULTS…

that we not only created a program so specific to you we guarantee to work…

We also guide you through the entire process.

With the 30 Day RESET Challenge we bend over backwards to:

Answer all your questions and tell you why scientifically
Hold you accountable if you ever “fall off”
And give you every resource you need to reach your end goal!

You can see why the RESET Protocol has people saying things like this:

Let’s erase all the doubts that creep in telling you it’s not going to work…

  • You get direct access to me and my team of Reset U Fitness Experts
  • You also get our Hormonal RESET PRotocol to cleanse and RESET your master metabolism hormones…
  • You get 30 days of fat-burning workouts that are customized to your body and it’s needs…
  • You also get to feel pain free with weekly Assessment and corrective stretching and foam rolling.
  • You get the RESET-U approved foods list to shop and know you are healing your body
  • You also get exclusive access to your ADDED BONUS: The private “members-only” Facebook group where all your questions answered and you are supported from myself and the team

Normally all of this would cost you $299, which is a steal when you consider everything I’m offering you.

Not to mention all the things money can’t buy…

Like the sense of accomplishment when you step on the scale and see your goal!

Or using this new amazing body to be active again… hiking, running, jumping, even playing with kids…

All the things you have cut out of your life will be back.

Or trying on everything in the store and having it all fit…

Or being able to do a full pull-up and feel strong again…

Or even just sitting in a car for hours and not worrying about the next flare-up.

Or having your spouse, co-workers, and random people at the grocery store notice how good you look!

Knowing you are going to reach your goal you would probably pay much more than 300 bucks…

But I want you to feel so confident in the program you are about to join…

That we Guarantee your RESULTS.
Once you’re RESET you will finally be able to experience the freedom of having confidence in your body’s abilities…
And have the Toned body you are proud of without fear of losing it!

I’m so grateful that we get the opportunity to change your life…

You having your breakthrough and obtaining the body of your dreams is literally what “get’s me out of bed each morning”

It brings me so much joy to know you’re about to be our next success story…

But I want you to know I understand starting any new program is scary.

That’s why we bend over backwards to make sure you hit your goals.

And in the small chance you aren’t 100% happy with your results after you followed our program…

We will refund your payment in full and allow you to keep the access to materials you were given as a gift.

We are taking away all any reason you would have not to be living the life you deserve.

One where you’re excited to leave the house everyday…

Because you know you’re going to turn heads…

And shock people with how well you move and how powerful you have become.

Your life is probably already good… but imagine how great it will be when you wake up every morning with a strong toned athletic body…

How will your work life, social life, and even family life improve when you are a superhuman version of yourself?

I’m going to make this decision even easier than it already is for you.

By JOINING TODAY you will receive a 47% discount on your purchase.

Instead of asking you to pay the full price of program 89$…

Which people would gladly pay without question…

I want to selfishly offer you a discount up front to get started…

It’s selfish.

Because I know that once you click the link below…

and get into your program and we change your life…

You will become addicted to seeing your body transform and become the next RESET-U success story.

“It’s a win win”:)

Once you click you will get:

Hormonal RESET Nutrition Protocol

You will get the RESET guide, healing foods shopping list, and weekly changes to make your meal plan specific to you!

Weekly Total Body Assessment: Release Pain, Tension, and Stress

See your body progress every week with our weekly assessment. Within 18 seconds you will have a full diagnosis and pain relief programming sent to you.

Customized RESET Functional Strength Training

No more cookie cutter workouts… we are giving you tailored workouts to your body and how it moves…

You’ll feel confident doing each move with the over 400 “how-to” videos.

Weekly RESET Mindset Habit Layering

Wake up every morning ready for the day!

We will have you programmed for success in every area of life from the beginning of every morning.

…You get it all for a one-time payment of just $47

That’s a 47% discount!

And a $42 total savings.

Plus you’re guaranteed to hit your goal or we will refund your entire investment.

Now you can go through the entire challenge…

If you aren’t completely excited by how your new RESET body looks…

You can easily contact our customer service team and receive a 100% refund…

And keep the Reset Protocol Materials.

I’m so excited to see your body change and strengthen!

When you get to see thousands of people all “get rid of pain” and lose 15-20 pounds in 30 days…

You feel immense gratitude that you created a program that is about to change another person’s life.

So i’m overjoyed to be a small part of your next success.

Regular Price


Discounted Price

Only $47!

If you’re still reading… You know you need a RESET.

Let’s RESET YOU now.

The Reset-U Protocol has so much to offer it can get really overwhelming…

So allow me to break down how it works…

I’ve shown you countless studies about how Americans are In-Pain and Out-Of-Shape…

But nothing is working.

I’ve also shown you the real culprit… years of damage to our muscular imbalances and metabolism.

We went over how RESET-U is the only program that RESETS both of these so you can turn back the clock…

You’ll have that youthful metabolism and flexible strong body again.

I also showed you how this bold scientifically backed program is guaranteed to work.
You aren’t paying for another throw away PDF cookie cutter program…

You’re buying your goals.

Now the choice is up to you…

  • You can go back to the program that failed you before and “hope” that this time it will work for you…
  • You can spend hours researching then thousands of dollars on hiring… a Physical Therapist, Hormonal Nutrition Specialist, and an Expert Functional Trainer…

  • Or you can join The Guaranteed 30 Day RESET-U Challenge and enjoy one of the most successful programs, backed by real science, and tailored to your every need, so you can be one of the thousands to RESET their body inside and out.

Tired of getting excited for a new program… putting in all your effort and hope…

And being let down by your results?

Tired of “feeling busted” and “stuck” in a body that doesn’t look or feel the way you know it can?


There is no need to hope anymore. You get to know that it is going to work.

The money you save on the weekly massage and chiro appointments will need to be allocated…

To all the new clothing you fit into.

Think about jumping out of bed 30 days from now…

Putting on clothes 2 sizes smaller…

and starting your morning with mediation and an empowering workout!

And you crush every aspect of it, then ride that momentum into your day.

No more hoping. This is your reality.

We guarantee it or you get the program and a refund.

You’ve probably spent more on a single Uber Eats order that ruins your goal…

Then you will on RESETing YOU.

The RESET-U 30 Day Challenge comes with a money back guarantee…

A lot of doctors, nutritionists, and specialists will make you pay regardless for their time… and when you don’t get lasting results…

You gotta pay more.

RESET-U is the first ever program that is guaranteeing the results you paid for.

No more paying for cold office waiting rooms and online “one size fits none” programs…

You’re paying for your end goal.

If you don’t get results after following our program you will get your full investment refunded. No questions asked.

It’s that simple.

Glenn Dawson

It’s time to RESET YOU now.

Click the link here and begin your 30 day RESET and become our next success story. Spaces are limited for each challenge( only so many Fitness Professionals) so take action now and claim your spot.

You don’t to let everyone else get the opportunity to RESET their body and have all the fun…

Claim your spot now.

Speak to you Soon,

Glenn Dawson

Fitness Expert, Author, Celebrity Trainer, and Loving Husband

P.S. If you have even a shred of doubt in your current plan… You owe it to yourself to enroll in the RESET-U 30 Day Challenge. You deserve results and shouldn’t have to “hope” you plan will work.

P.P.S. I wasn’t joking about “limited spaces” we have a strict hiring process and training program for RESET-U Fitness Professionals… this means we can give the high level of service we do to a limited number of applicants.

If this page is still live while you scroll…

it means there are still some spots left.

Claim yours before it’s too late.

Frequently Asked Questions

Reset-U Fitness is a program customized to each individual to RESET the main causes of Pain and Weight Gain as we age.

This program is highly specific in nutrition, tissue work, workouts, and mindset…

That being said in the slim chance it doesn’t work for you…

We will refund your investment.

We are sure it will change your life.

This is a great way to tell if a workout is meant for you.

You should only experience pain in your muscles from soreness after workouts… not your joints.

Because the program is built specifically to RESETing You it will make your joints, tendons, and ligaments feel better.

Every program should.

The challenge is built to RESET your body in 30 days.

That being said our regular clients usually stay with us just over 7 months…

Because they become addicted to seeing their body and mind change…

And their life improves month after month.

So no…we won’t abandon you after the challenge.

So many, auto-immune disorders, PCOS, type II diabetes, and more.

We can’t guarantee that every disorder will be reset in our program…

Buy we have proven success with most and if we don’t RESET you to feeling amazing…

Your Challenge is on us.

Reset-U is the first ever program that focuses on healing the body inside and out.

And everything is specific to you.

This isn’t just a pain-relief program, or a fat loss diet, or a muscle toning program…

It is all of them and tailored to your body and it’s needs.